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more than digital business cards

Join us today completely free & start using your cardly.me profile in less than 1 minute!

* Our system will generate your unique Cardly.me link.

Already Member? Login


Taking Digital Business Cards to the Next Level!

Digital Business Cards are a powerful virtual tool that allows to add interactivity & functionalities to traditional business cards thanks to the usage of Internet, Web Design and Web Development.

Our platform allows you not only to easily create a digital business card in seconds, but also to promote you & your business and grow your network & audience thanks to the usage of different features, tools & integrations we have created for you!

  • Simple Setup

    Start using your cardly profile within seconds by just completing our online enrollment form.

  • Different Designs

    Define your own style by combining several options we have designed for you in Layouts & Icons.

  • Multiple Actions

    Every Element, Button & Link behaves differently based on its configuration and the used device.

  • Constant Training

    Get the most of your Cardly with the different material we have.

Contact + Connect + Communicate

A service that offers multiple benefits

Every Cardly Site includes a set of digital tools that helps you and your visitors to Contact, Connect & Communicate, thanks to the usage of modern web & mobile technologies

We build every feature always thinking in the easiest way for setup and usage, for both the initial and end user. We developed a platform that we use so we always keep testing and implementing new functionalities.


We are Marketers & Business Owners that know what works!

Cardly integrates the latest web & mobile technologies into an easy-to-use solution.

Mobile First

All our Features are Mobile-First developed letting your profile to get the most of the user device.

Easy To Use

Make changes directly from your profile. Our live editor makes it easy for you. No dashboard required.

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Custom Tools

Try the Drag-n-Drop, Cropping, Real-Time Validation, among others functionalities created for you.

Advanced Settings

For all those who want's to do more, our premium membership allows custom Styles and Javascript codes in your profile.


We follow a Simple Setup philosophy

Start using your cardly in less than 1 minute!

Set your Username

The first step is to define your Cardly Username.

The Cardly Username is unique in the system and is the way you want to be founded in our platform. It's the text next to cardly.me/ in the browser. We suggest to use your first name and last name.

Set your Username

Complete Enrollment Form

Next, complete a simple form with almost all fields prepopulated.

We know you have all the forms fields information already stored in your phone, tablet, laptop and/or desktop. Just some simple tweaks and you are ready to go.

Complete Enrollment Form

Activate Your Profile

Lastly, confirm your email address to start using your profile.

Our process is so easy and seamless, that we only have a small requirement to set live your profile and is to validate your email address by activating your profile.

Activate Your Profile